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NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group is a free, peer-led support group for any adult who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. You will gain insight from hearing the challenges and successes of others, and the groups are led by trained leaders who've been there.


NAMI’s support groups are unique because they follow a structured model to ensure you and others in the group have an opportunity to be heard and to get what you need.


  • Free of cost to participants

  • Designed for adults (18+) with mental health conditions

  • Led by people with mental health conditions

  • 90 minutes long and meet weekly

  • No specific medical therapy or treatment is endorsed

  • Confidential

Support Group Meeting
What You'll Gain

By sharing your experiences in a safe and confidential setting, you can gain hope and feel a sense of connection. The group encourages empathy, productive discussion and a sense of community. You'll benefit from other's experiences, discover your inner strength and empower yourself by sharing your own experiences in a non-judgmental space.


NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group will help you:

  • Aim for better coping skills

  • Find strength in sharing experiences

  • Not judge anyone's pain

  • Forgive ourselves and reject guilt

  • Embrace humor as healthy

  • Accept that we cannot solve every problem

  • Understand that mental health conditions are no one's fault and can be traumatic experiences

Times & Locations
  • Tuesday at 4:00pmIN PERSON (Hamilton) –

    • Transitional Living - 2052 Princeton Rd, Hamilton OH 45011

  • Tuesday at 6:30pmIN PERSON (West Chester) 

    • Beckett Springs  – 8614 Shepherd Farm Dr., West Chester, OH 45069

             Use the Outpatient entrance. No group on 4/2/24

  • Wednesday at 12:00pmVIRTUAL

    • Join Zoom Meeting

    • Meeting ID: 873 3806 2175
      Passcode: 626422

    • One tap mobile
      +13052241968,,87338062175#,,,,*626422# US
      +13092053325,,87338062175#,,,,*626422# US




For phone access to virtual meetings, you can also join by dialing (253) 215-8782 or (301) 715-8592 then entering the Meeting ID when prompted and the Password (it may be called something different on the phone, but enter the password).


Guidelines for virtual groups: Participants should be engaged and focused on the group. We ask that you not participate in other activities that may be distracting to other participants or their own group participation. We encourage participants to use headphones if anyone else is present around them to help facilitate privacy.


Groups are NOT open for observation.

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