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Family-to-Family is an 8-week, evidenced-based, education program providing support and education to family members and friends of individuals who are living with mental illness. Classes are taught by trained family members and graduates of the program. In addition to learning about treatment strategies, and how to more effectively communicate with loved ones, many participants also find the emotional support they receive crucial during their loved ones’ times of illness and stress. The program was created by Dr. Joyce Burland, a psychologist and family member.

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Topics Covered
  • Explanation of major brain disorders

  • The latest information about medications (including side effects and strategies for promoting medication adherence)

  • Information about the most effective treatments available

  • What to do in a crisis

  • Handling your loved one’s hospitalization and relapse

  • Problem solving and communication skills

  • Advocating for your loved ones; how to work with professionals

  • Taking care of yourself



By the end of the 8-week session, participants will have a packet of materials to keep for ongoing reference. This class has proven to make a positive impact on family members and their loved ones due to increased understanding of the illness, improved skills, and support from other group participants. 


Want to give back? Become a NAMI member. Membership information available at all NAMI meetings and classes or join online.

Upcoming Family-to-Family Classes

Click the join us button below to jump to the registration page which lists our upcoming classes.


Participation is free, but advanced registration is required for NAMI Family-to-Family to ensure we have enough materials prepared for all participants and to ensure we don't exceed class capacity.


If we have no upcoming classes that work for your schedule - be sure to request that we add you to the email list for upcoming classes. We host 3-4 Family-to-Family classes a year, on a variety of nights throughout the county and even online.

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